Project partner
Information & Responsibilities
Information about the school:
The High School Grandis in Cuneo (North-Western part of Italy) includes a Technical School for Tourism and two state vocational schools: the Vocational Institute for Social and Sanitary Services ( courses: commercial, social-sanitary and opticians) and the Vocational Institute for Industry and Craftmanship (courses: electronics, mechanics and electrics).
Pupils are aged 14-18 and they come from Cuneo and the surrounding area and many of them belong to families disadvantaged from a social-economical and cultural point of view. Training courses of Grandis focus on developing in students an active awareness of citizenship, within a European vision of competences and responsabilities. Experimenting projects in a European and International context, based in particular on “learning by doing “ methodology, is a fundamental part of this process.
The total number of staff is 185 (teachers, attendances and secretaries) and the total number of learners is 1065.
About 20% of the students follow a personalised learning project as they are considered pupils with special needs (physically and mentally disabled, dislexics and or behavioral problems). Istituto Grandis is in fact a Reference Centre for Disability for the other Schools of the area: it offers training for teachers (working with students with special needs) and special tools and materials for disabled students. These students are integrated in every kind of activity: either didactical or outside school.
Responsibilities within the project:
– creating and monitoring the updates of the website and the blog
– editing the ‘How to Improve 21st Century Skills’ Handbook
– editing the booklet of the project including project objectives, topics, activities, results, pictures and memories of each of each mobility
– monitoring and evaluating the dissemination and impact of the project with Spain
– integrating project outputs and outcomes to school curricula